Our Story

Autumn of 2010

People from around North East London began to gather to celebrate the Good News of Jesus and the way he changes life and makes everything new and good. They were gathered by a small group of leaders from North Park Community Church, a group that was compelled by God to love this neighborhood and those who live here.


People from around the world have been part of the Mosaic community over the years. We come from different traditions, different life experiences and different kinds of families. But because of God's love which he put on display in the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we belong to his family, we are enriched by one another's experiences, and we are forging new traditions that blend the old and the new.


The diverse group included long-time residents of the North East London and many who grew up outside the neighborhood. They had a few years of shared life together - time they had spent sharing life's important moments, passing on important skills, learning and teaching English, sharing meals and becoming friends. They were eager to strengthen the life of this vibrant neighborhood as Jesus led and taught them.


The path Jesus has called us to walk is not easy. We fail frequently along the way. But it’s the place where God makes us grow in Communion with Christ and Obedience to Christ; it’s the journey to which we call others, where God’s healing, teaching and beautiful liberation make us complete in Christ. When God is healing, teaching and establishing Christ’s kingdom in a community, we believe that community matures in these Compass Points.

You can also read our Compass Points document by clicking the button below. Come join us!