Read with your Heart: Lectio Divina
What is it?
Lectio Divina, or “holy reading,” is a form of prayer that is designed to help you listen to God through the Biblical text. It is a very old Christian practice, dating back to around the 4th Century CE. It is not meant to help you acquire information with your intellectual ability. Rather, as we listen to God in the text, he speaks to us, and then we respond to him.
The exercise is very simple, and can be done in an individual or a group setting. It is best to use shorter passages of scripture.
Why should I try it?
Lectio Divina is a way of letting God speak through scripture into your life. Often, God will use a word or a phrase from the scripture passage to catch your attention. When you discern this word or phrase, it is then your turn to respond to God and meditate and pray about the thing he wants to talk with you about. In essence, it is a way of building a two-way relationship with God!
It also helps you immerse yourself in the Bible. It can be easy to let the word of God penetrate our minds, but sometimes our hearts are left untouched. When you read the scripture, God may want speak to you through your five senses, your feelings or your imagination. Lectio Divina helps you bring your entire self before God to listen and respond to him.
When should I do it?
Set a goal for yourself that you can consistently achieve. If you are able to practice Lectio Divina two or three times per week, then plan it and do it. If you are able to pray this way each day, then plan that and do it. You know your life patterns the best, and you know what level of challenge will be right for you.
One thing to keep in mind is that Lectio Divina is a practice that takes some getting used to. You may not have a profound experience on your first attempt! As you do this exercise consistently, you will become more sensitive to God’s voice, and you will become more aware of how to prepare yourself to receive from him. It may be helpful to keep an image of the prophet Elijah in your mind, who heard God speak to him in a whisper rather than a whole slew of storms (1 Kings 19:12).
What Scripture should I use for Lectio Divina?
We have provided a daily schedule of Scriptures to help the Mosaic community pray together with the same Scriptures. Try to practice Lectio Divina with either the Psalm or the New Testament reading for the day, but do read them both!